Programas de verano para niños 2024

Club de Lectura de Verano
Únete a nosotros para una aventura de lectura gratis!
Entrando al 2do al 4to Grado
Martes, 25 de junio - 13 de agosto
2:30-3:45 PM o 4:00-5:15 PM

Summer Book Club sessions will include group read-aloud time, an activity related to our book, and one-on-one reading time with a Reading Mentors volunteer. All volunteers have been screened, and are qualified and eager to pass on their love of reading to students. Each week your child will read with the same volunteer in order to further encourage their engagement in reading. Every two weeks there will be a Book Giveaway Day where students get to pick out one new book to take home and keep. Kids who read for fun, read to learn! Due to the structure of this program, we ask that if you register your child, they are able to be mostly consistent in attendance. Being able to attend at least 8 weeks out of the 10 week program. Due to building construction at The Canby Center and for the safety of students, this year's location will be: Canby Public Library 220 NE 2nd Ave Canby, OR 97013 Questions? Call (503) 263-1133 or email
Un campamento de verano de teatro gratuito
Estudiantes entrantes de 3ro a 6to grado
22-26 de julio de 2024

Dirigido por la iglesia Canby Alliance y en asociación con El Centro de Canby
CREATE theater camp is a week long half day camp for 3rd - 6th graders. Daily activities include: Practicing storytelling skills through games and a work-in-progress performance Sharing the truth of God through a short bible story Choosing one thing to add to create a costume or backdrop Each child is encouraged to "Grow one step in faith, relationships and/or skill." We ask, "What one thing can we add?" Our last day performance we show all the ''one more things" we've gained together. Location: Canby Center Alliance Church 900 N Juniper Street Canby, OR 97013 Questions? Call (503) 277-0489 or email