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In God's Love, We Renew Dignity and Inspire Learning
Due to inclement weather, The Canby Center will be closed today Feb 13th.
There will be no Harvest Share today.

Voted Best Non-Profit
The Canby Center was voted "The Best Nonprofit in Canby"

Últimas noticias
"Tuve hambre y me diste de comer, tuve sed y me diste de beber, fui un extranjero y me recibiste"
- Jesús, Mateo 25
Shelf Stable Food items: Canned goods, Rice, Beans, Pasta
Toiletries: Mens/Womens Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Feminine Hygiene Products, and socks
Volunteer: After School Tutors, Kitchen Prep, Front Desk (Thursdays 12PM-1PM)
Voluntarios: Tutores después de la escuela, preparando comida en la cocina, Asistencia de Recepcionista (Jueves (12PM a 1PM)
Articulos: Desodorante de Hombres y Mujeres, Shampoo, Acondicionador, Pasta de Dientes, Cepillos de Dientes, productos femeninos, y calcetines
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